It’s about motherhood. It’s about badassery. It’s about mom-power
Sharing the stories of mompreneurs can help both new and established mom entrepreneurs navigate this crazy journey with less loneliness. Are you up for joining us on this mission and sharing your story?
as a mompreneur
Every one of us has a story to tell—one that includes the good times and the bad, the times when we didn't know what to do, the times when we overcame adversity and found happiness.
Everyone is picky about the stories they share, I suppose. Things that make us feel weak, exposed, or proud are the ones we keep to ourselves. There are plenty of times when we just can't fathom why anyone would care.
You never know how Someone else's life can be changed forever by just sharing a single meaningful nugget of wisdom from your story!
I wantes to invite you to join us.
Being a mompreneur is so different from what I expected, and no one ever tells you about it—maybe because nobody asks.
I can say without a doubt that the path to becoming a mom entrepreneur has been nothing short of extraordinary. In spite of its flaws, I will always be grateful for the lessons I learned about trusting God's vision and the opportunities it gave me to experience the miracles it brought. It has all been worth it, even the times I was lonely, stared at, criticized, exhausted, disappointed, and uncertain.
I really wish someone had been there to offer some advice and share their experiences with me