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22 New Year’s Resolutions For Moms 

In less than 48 hours we will change of year again. We will say goodbye to 2021 and say hello to 2022 with a new set of goals and resolutions to accomplish of course! 

Every day brought us something new to learn, and something to change. 

Here are 22 New Year’s resolutions for a new bright 2022 




  1.  Cultivate patience. Sometimes you only want to cry in your bed. Don’t worry! One day at a time.
  2. Know your value as a mom. You are important. 
  3. Establish a schedule. After 7 pm disconnect yourself from your job. Have quality time with your babies and partner. 
  4. Perfection is not the goal. Accept you can make mistakes, the most important is to admit it and that is ok. 
  5. Trust and let loose. Don’t worry so much, do what is in your power, everything is going to be fine, the answer will come to you at the right moment. 
  6. Do Me-time. Prioritize to have a time only for yourself where you can do something you enjoy. 
  7.  Read motivational books. 
  8. Don’t compare yourself with other moms. Everyone is different from you, don’t feel bad if you feel that another mom does it better than you. It all depends on the perception.
  9.  Don’t judge. Sometimes we don’t like the way other moms are raising their kids, everyone is doing their best effort here. 
  10.  Go on a date with your partner. Make time to have at least one date every two weeks for the two of you. 
  11.  Surround yourself with positive people. Let go people don’t share the same goals you have. 
  12.  If you need help, ask for help. 
  13. Enjoy your kids. Make quality time with your babies, remember they grow up fast!
  14.  Let go of the mommy shaming.
  15.  Make holiday plans. 
  16.  Let go of multitasking. Do one activity at a time. 
  17. Relax, go to a spa once a month. 
  18. Smile at least 4 times a day. 
  19.  Be always grateful for the family you have. 
  20.  Make priorities. Always see what’s the most important to do. 
  21.  Celebrate your achievements more. 
  22. .Stay close to your friends. 

Don't forget to have your Resolution Sheet  ready to write yours! 


New Year's Resolution Template


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