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6 Tips For First Christmas As A Mom


A few weeks ago we did a survey with our badassmom community about the tips to spend your first Christmas as a mom and here is what they recommend 

#1 Keep it simple 

You have this new member in the house, everyone is adapting to the new system don’t feel down if you had higher expectations of this Christmas, is normal to feel overwhelmed and to want to stay calm, don’t stress yourself. 


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#2 Watch the bucket list 

If you are an organized person, by this time sure you have a bucket list for everything you need for Christmas eve, games, food, everything! Watch out. When a baby arrives this can be easily turned into a stressor for new parents and baby. 

If you have a bucket list of 10 things to do, try to take only 2 or 3 of them. 


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#3 A Meaningful gift for the baby 

Don’t try to get the most expensive toy for your baby’s first Christmas, babies don’t need something expensive or know about Christmas presents either. There are a lot of easy recommendations on the internet like ornaments and cheap toys that can be really useful for them and make them happy. 


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#4 Be with your family 

Spend this special date with your immediate family, your parents will be happy to share with the new member of the house. 


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#5 Ask For Help 

If you are the one that organizes the Christmas eve event and all, don’t be ashamed for asking for help, tell someone or hire someone to help you to check the dinner and all you need. 


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#6 Sleep early if you feel the need

If you feel the need to sleep early do it! It’s normal you are not at your 100% so don’t feel guilty if you want to sleep before everyone else. Your family will understand you are adapting to this new adventurous life called motherhood.


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Don't be let out of the fun and try our best non alcoholic recipes for the Christmas eve. Check our blog post about How to make non alcoholic Jello Shots for Badassmoms  

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