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HOW to love yourself everyday ?

Self-love seems difficult to understand, especially if we are not familiar with the fact of loving ourselves as we are and stop the habit of wanting to change something more of our essence every day.

They tell us what to do but not how to do it and then we get even more overwhelmed when it is so difficult for us to look at ourselves in the mirror with eyes of love, that is why in this blog we want to share with you 4 ways of HOW to love you more every day.


  1. Take 5 minutes a day to feel SENSUAL, whatever makes you feel that way, whether it's putting on your favorite lingerie for YOURSELF, or dancing to that sassy song, from even taking a long shower to simply turning off the light and listen to a jazz song.Sensuality is part of our identity as women, no matter what means by which you awaken that feeling in you, YES, you are a mother or you are pregnant, but you are a SENSUAL WOMAN in every possible way.
  2. LETTERS OF LOVE. Many of us would like to wake up with love notes every day, but why wait for someone to do it for us if we can do it for ourselves too? Use post sticks and the night before write everything you like about yourself, if it's too difficult, write the things you don't like as if they were a good thing. If you don't like your stretch marks, write: "Your life scars make you look invincible and sensual." Stick the post sticks in the places you always frequent at the beginning of the day, the bathroom, the kitchen, your closet ... etc.
  3. SLOW DOWN. We know that our schedule is very tight, we run all the time and we tend to have to go fast in our daily routine. Try to choose a time of  the day to do an activity dedicated to you taking more time than normal, it can be enjoying dinner longer, or taking a shower longer than usual. Sometimes we forget little things  that we take for granted and they are actually a moment of self-love too.
  4. STEP OFF THE SCALE. You’re not a number in a scale, you are way more than that, of course is important to be healthy, but be sure you’re not trying to achieve someone else’s body, build a true love relationship with your body, far away from what a number can “define” about you.

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