Pregnancy is a very beautiful experience although, we cannot deny it, so many changes in our body can make it a somewhat uncomfortable stage.
One of the changes that you may notice from the first months of pregnancy are the variations in your sleep and rest, this happens because the hormone progesterone increases its levels during this stage and produces a sedative effect on your brain.
However, as the gestation progresses and, especially from the third trimester, even if you continue to feel tired, it will begin to cost you to fall asleep and you may even suffer from insomnia.
If this is your case, in this article we want to give you some tips for making the night time a better experience for you.
1. Rest when you need it and when your body asks you to, take a nap, but keep it short. If you sleep too much you won't be able to sleep at night.
 2. Eat a balanced diet, reduce the consumption of sugar, soft drinks and, mainly, caffeine. Avoid large or heavy dinners and choose to have more complete breakfasts and meals, have a little snack and have a light dinner. It is also advisable to wait a while before going to sleep (remember that digestion slows down much at this stage), but most important is not going to bed hungry.
 3. Drink enough fluids throughout the day. However, try to drink as little as possible at least two hours before going to sleep and try to go to the bathroom before going to bed. You will avoid the urge to urinate at night and you will be able to sleep more hours at a time.
 4. Wear comfortable medium-heeled shoes (better than flats) and don't lift any weight. Get regular pregnancy-appropriate physical exercise as it will help you strengthen your muscles for both pregnancy and delivery. In this way, your body will be tired at the end of the day and you will fall asleep earlier. However, avoid these types of activities two hours before bed.
5. Use a nursing pillow, most models are designed for use from pregnancy to be more comfortable lying on your side, hug the cushion so that it is placed under your belly and passes between your legs or place it behind to support your lower back and back.
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